LactaMed™ Neonatal Input/Output Breast Milk Study: Data Needed!
LactaMed Inc. is looking to do a short and quick retrospective study to see if there is a correlation between total neonatal input and output. With Our new Diaper Hero™ app coupled with a low cost but very accurate scale (.05/g) this could have significant benefits in improving the sensitivity and specificity of diaper counts which most pediatricians use for measurement of adequate breast milk intake. A high percentage of mothers quit breastfeeding due to perceived inadequate breast milk intake.
To aid in getting as much data possible, we are reaching out and asking for a little help from our friends. We would like to use any input and output logs you may have used to track the health and growth of your little one. As a token of our appreciation of your support and assistance, we are offering a 75% off coupon code for use on any of our products.
At the minimum would like logs that have the following information:
- Input amount from bottle (excluding IV and other various inputs)
- Output
**Please omit any personal information: Names/address etc...
Interested in participating?
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